Monday, April 1, 2013

Something was Stirring Down at the Pool of Bethesda

John 5:1-16

This is a story of hope for the hopeless and help for the helpless.

There were:
1. Troubled Waters - the man's invalid condition, 5:7. He was trusting in superstition. Folks thought that angels periodically came and stirred the pool and the first one in won the health lottery.

Poor impotent man, for 38 years he had been hoping against hope that something, anything, would improve his miserable condition. Laying out by the pool for him isn't at all the enjoyable pastime it is for the sun-worshipers of today. He was burdened by his condition and was a burden to those who knew him. So, there he lay, waiting for the miracle that would change everything.

Then there was:
2. Hot Water - the ire of the Jews, 5:10-12. They were filled with suspicion and consternation. Once the man was healed, by whom he did not know, he picked up his cot and started hiking home, his folk's house, we would assume. But that was a no-no, for it was the Sabbath. You could walk around griping and criticizing on the day of worship, but you had better not carry your sleeping bag, that would be considered ungodly.

Finally, he found:
3. Living Water - what he received from Jesus, 5:8, 9, 14. He provided salvation. Jesus and the man met up again a bit later over at the temple, not too far away. No doubt, the man was there to thank God, something he had dreamed of doing for a long time. Jesus let him know that he had been made whole, spiritually as well as physically, I infer. The man went on his way telling everyone he met about Jesus.

This story illustrates what every believer has experienced. There were our days of troubled waters, when we were completely unable to save ourselves from our horrible condition. There were those days of hot water when, just in time, Jesus entered our hopeless realm. Others doubted and criticized. When we announced our intentions to go after the Savior, there was consternation amongst our co-workers and maybe even family. But then we partook of the living water and experienced true salvation.

Nothing is the same now. Instead of lying around, hoping for better things to come our way, we are up and about, in and out of God's house, giving praise. We are all about telling others of the blessed Lord Who can do great things for them. Now, living waters flow from us to the world.

Praise God!

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