Sunday, August 7, 2011

Married, Dating and Single, Part 2

Yesterday, I posted a blog entitled, Paul’s letter to the Married, Dating and Single. Today, I will offer my summary of I Corinthians 7. Please have the chapter open and available as you read.

-No inappropriate touching, especially that which would heighten passions. vs 1

-Husbands and wives should see to it that their mates are satisfied. If they are well taken care of home, there will be less temptation elsewhere. vss 2-5

-Singles should focus their minds, passions and energies on the service of the Lord, however, if they are distracted by physical need, they must meet, properly court and marry, but only with other believers. vss 7-9

-Married couples must remain in the state of matrimony, even if it is an unequal yoke. The believer must do everything possible to make the marriage the very best they can. vss 10-16

-Once a separation occurs, reconciliation is to be sought, or the believer should remain single. vs 11

-If a lost mate abandons the Christian partner and reconciliation cannot occur because the lost has been unfaithful, the believer is free to remarry, but only in the Lord. vss 15, Mt 19:9

-The blessings of the Lord can abide upon an unequally yoked marriage if the saved partner lives an exemplary testimony. vs 14. 16

-Marriage is a calling of the Lord, as can be singleness, and as such, ought to be honored. vss 17-24

-In regards to virgins (that is, singles seeking to please their Lord), they must remain pure. vs 26

-Virgins may marry, but marriage brings its own set of difficulties. In other words, it may be better to be single wishing you were married, than to be married wishing you were single! vs 28

-Whether married or single, we all need to serve the Lord as if we were single and unencumbered, never-the-less, the married must act responsibly. vss 29-35

-A believer must comport himself according to his/her ability to control their passions. If they are able to date and be pure, honoring both God and body, then they can remain single. But if they are having trouble containing themselves, then they should marry. A conflict in this area is a distraction. vss 36-38

-A divorcee should remain single (with the exception of adultery or abandonment) or be reconciled to their spouse. Death of one partner nullifies this, of course. vss 39, 40

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