Monday, March 2, 2009

Comparing the Gods.

How long will you halt between two opinions?

Psa 86:7 In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt answer me.
Psa 86:8 Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works like unto thy works.

Atop Mount Carmel there took place the super throw down with the prophet Elijah.

The 450 prophets of baal invoked their hapless Phoenician deity which was unable to kindle even a spark as they danced and prayed and incanted. They prayed from sunup ‘til noon to no avail. Baal did not hear and there was no voice to answer. That afternoon, they cut themselves until blood splattered everywhere. The Word says their god didn't even regard them. Hmm...

Alas, they had butchered a perfectly good beef in vain, prayed in vain and, in the end, lived, worshiped and died in vain.

Yet Elijah mocked not only them, but their worthless, imaginary god, "Where did he go?, He must be talking to someone else or has taken a trip somewhere, maybe he's in the privy or took a nap. Shout a little louder and wake him up!" Nothing like a little pastoral sarcasm!

And then he prayed. It was his turn at bat and he hit a home run by calling on the One who can knock it out of the park every time.

Elijah's prayer was only 63 words, yet mighty potent. He built an altar, he exercised faith, he prayed, he expected and he put God to the test, and it paid off! Whoosh! Fire fell from heaven which consumed the sacrifice AND wood AND stones AND dust AND water! It probably singed everybody's eyebrows too.

Immediately everyone fell on their faces to extol, "The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God."

An addendum to that story, what became of the prophets of the lesser god? They were slain and subsequently, there was no god to welcome them into eternity. The fire they had prayed for all day finally showed up on the other side of death. All that false gods are good for are false hope, empty promises and a Christless eternity. Buddha cannot save, Mohammed cannot hear prayer, Confucius cannot bless, the Pope cannot absolve sins, and Joseph Smith cannot grant eternal life, Neither Mary Baker Eddy, Chas Russell nor Ellen White bear witness to the truth.

The Lord Jehovah, He is the one and only true God who sits in the heavens, rules the universe and transcends time and space to indwell our hearts and grant salvation. He alone loves us and calls us dear children. He is the One who has commissioned us to go and tell the world that He has free salvation to all who call upon Him.

Elijah began his throw down challenge with the soul searching question, "how long halt ye between two opinions?" In other words, how long are you going to be paralyzed by being doubled-minded. Either trust God and live or believe the doctrines of devils and perish.

I tell you today that among the gods, there is none like Jehovah God and none that compare in ability to do mighty works.

We have talked about the false religions but have not yet mentioned the dominant false religion of our culture. At the base of all cults and the occult is the ever exalted god of self. Mankind gives lip service to the Almighty, but tends always to selfishly stay ensconced on the throne of the heart. Worship of the id, ego and super ego. “Oh great god who sleepeth in my bed, eateth from my plate, and thinketh my thoughts, bless me today, for I rule!”

Friends our godhood is no match against the Sovereign. It is best to cede the throne to the One who is the all powerful, all knowing and everywhere present God who knows us better than we know ourselves.

How long will you halt between to opinions?

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