Friday, March 21, 2014

Jesus Fit the Battle of Jericho

Luke 19:1  And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho.

Interesting tidbits regarding Joshua, Jesus and Jericho.

1.   Joshua and Jesus are the same name, one is Hebrew, the other is Greek.
2.   Joshua, Israel's general, was confronted by Jesus, the captain of the Lord's host on the way to Jericho. Josh 5:13-15
3.   Jesus didn't have to march 7 times around the city, He entered in and passed through.
4.   In the old days, the walls came down, now Jesus tells Zacchaeus to come down.
5.   No doubt He contemplated His roots in this town, that is, His great, etc. grandmother Rahab, the harlot.
6.   Surely He considered that red cord dangling from her window with which she let down the spies, thinking about the scarlet cord of redemption that He would soon provide by shedding His blood for the sins of the world to lift up fallen man. Josh 2:18
7.   Achan sought forbidden booty in this town, Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. Lk 19:10
8.   Joshua’s army would go on to suffer defeat at the hands of tiny Ai because of sin in the camp. Jesus would suffer at the hands of wicked men, go to Calvary, just outside the camp, but gain the ultimate victory by His resurrection.


anantha said...

Dear sir, you have done anexcellent exegetical studies on Jericho
In my studies I found small observation Jericho was cursed by Joshua 6:26 and it fulfilled in Ikgs16:34.
thanking you sir,
yours co-worker in CHRIST,

anantha said...


anantha said...