Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Choose Wisely!

Pro 16:4 The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

Deep in the bowels of the nether regions, imps and emissaries of evil continuously plot fiendish blueprints to foil the good and the right at every juncture.

Destruction, darkness and doom feed their vile imaginations. Leprous bile flows through their veins. Ghastly wisps of breath pour from their mouths and nostrils as they hatch unimaginable strategies against the human wretches and their Creator.

Their pitch-black fantasies imagine burning babies, drunken sots lying in vomit at the curb, sin-hardened women vying for the erotic fancies of imprudent men. They envision broken homes, wayward children, carnal churches, corrupt governments, duplicitous preachers and slothful saints. Their wicked goal is to steal, kill and destroy. They seek the annihilation of humanity and the overthrow of heaven.

Yet, God in His heaven will have them chasing their pointy little tails, dizzied by their maneuvers. He will laugh at them as they are foiled repeatedly, knowing that they will have their day, or rather, eternal night. He made them for such a time. He fashioned them with their impish appearance, foul odor, devilish imagination, sulfurous breath and pea-sized hearts and brains that they might have a ministry. They even have the ability to dress up their darkness to appear as light. They are able to morph from demon to delight.

God created man with the capacity of choice. Man opts to love God or not. But God refuses to bribe man with overwhelming goodness and blessing. That is too easy. Love is not love unless it is chosen and the choice cannot be a set up. He has also provided the flip side, the false advertising of hell, so that man could have a volitional option; good or evil, life or death, the true God or false pleasure.

Jesus condensed the choice in the following verse: The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

Both sides, clamoring for your loyalty, go to great lengths for your allegiance. Hades crossly offers you that which it can't deliver. Heaven offers deliverance by a cross. The wolves prepare to devour the sheep. The Good Shepherd laid down His life for the sheep. Satan offers you heaven and gives you hell. The Savior went through hell to secure your heaven.

You stand at a crossroads. Glitzy, glamorous billboards on a wide boulevard hail you toward destruction. A rocky narrow path beckons you to find abundant and eternal life.


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