Monday, December 12, 2011

A Good Day in the House of the Lord

Psalm 26:8 LORD, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth.

It is such a blessing to be part of a lively church in which the Spirit of the Lord is present, where His honor dwells.

I am cognizant that multiplied millions of dear souls are subjugated to regularly gather in cold cathedrals, boring basilicas, lackluster churches, and all sorts of mind-numbing religious venues to light candles and hear a bunch of irrelevant mumbo-jumbo. Prayers come from a book rather than from the heart. Sermons emanate from a lectionary instead of Spirit-filled study. The music is ineffective. The congregants leave without change or challenge.

If a person is going to devote their day of worship week in, week out, year in year out, decade after decade, to a house of God, then each experience ought to count. They ought to feel as if they truly encountered God, that He spoke to their heart, that He challenged them to elevate their salvation, service, spirituality and sanctification.

And what a bonus when a believer lingers to fellowship with the family of God! How blessed is the body of Christ when a saint shares testimonies and prayers with the brethren? How wonderful to be inspired by soul-stirring music that grips the heart? How awesome to hear straight Bible preaching that piques the whole range of emotions and demands response?

The local church is the Bride of Christ. No doubt He desires an energetic, active bride which is passionate, not passive, about her Groom.

I hope your church is alive. I desire that every pulpit burn with holy fire. I pray that your altars are packed with penitents and pray-ers. Oh that our pews will be filled with missons-minded, soul-winning worshipers who are growing in grace and itching to serve God inside and outside of the church.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

I love your definition of the Bride, Pastor Gary! I believe Jesus is waiting for just this kind of people to greet Him when He comes again.

Of course, the reality is that the church is also a hospital for sinners, and some congregations will be somewhat lacking in spirituality. The Parable of the 10Virgins (only half the church was ready) and the description of the Laodicean church in Revelation (a sleeping church) both indicate that we are in the Last Days.

I'm glad I have a church that feeds my soul! They do exist, but especially to those who already have a heart searching to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.