Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Feasting on the Riches of His Word

Luke 4:4  And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. 

You CANNOT grow in the grace of God unless you are daily in the Word, feeding on the healthy milk, meat and the bread of life. I am baffled by the many believers who neglect the daily reading, study and meditation of His holy Word.

I have often thought what it would be like if, instead of seeing a person's outward appearance, we saw the person's soul. Wow! Many a saint's soul would appear to be shriveled and emaciated due to lack of spiritual caloric intake.

Martin Luther well said, “God is everywhere. However, He does not want you to reach out for Him everywhere but only in the Word. Reach out for it and you will grasp Him aright. Otherwise you are tempting God and setting up idolatry. That is why He has established a certain method for us. This teaches us how and where we are to look for Him and find Him, namely, in the Word.” 

Hey, blow the dust off of your Bible, crack the Book and discover anew the living, powerful, razor-edged Word that God has for you today.

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