Saturday, January 10, 2009

Prerequisites for a soul winner

Ps 51:13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways, and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

Wasted years, wasted years, oh how foolish…

For a whole year King David has been consumed with cover-up, burial of his illegitimate son, taking in a new bride who was widowed, thanks to his manipulation, and trying to run his kingdom. Least on his list of things to do was bringing people to God. Now that he has turned his life back over to God, he loves what God loves...souls. What preparatory steps does David take to reestablish his soul-winning power?

1. A Clean Heart, vs 10. David knows that God will not use a dirty vessel, so he begs God's cleansing and forgiveness.

2. A Right Spirit, vs 10.
Turmoil within and a sinful wall of separation from God's fellowship are detrimental to being used of Him in eternal matters. If we wish to be teachable and useable in His service, our spirit must be right.

3. God's Powerful Presence, vs 11.
"Apart from me ye can do nothing." This is the promise of Jesus. We are clearly taught that "no man cometh to the Father lest my Spirit draw him." Any soul-winner will tell you tell you that only when we are imbued with Spirit of God, and not until, can we be effective witnesses for the Lord.

4. The Joy of the Lord, vs 12. The old adage fits... "You can draw more flies with honey than with vinegar." Frankly, not many people would want the religion many 'Christians' portray. It seems that those miserable folks have more indigestion than they have faith. Our belief should make us joyful, not painful. It is said that some are a blessing where ever they go, others are a blessing where ever they go! Which are you? We ought to draw others to Christ with the joy of our salvation rather than repel them with the bitterness of our situation.

When we have been cleansed, given a right spirit, filled with His Spirit and joy, Then are we ready to teach transgressors the way of the Lord and see them converted to Christ.

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