Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ride Prosperously in '09

In thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness. Ps 45:4

Here is a wonderful wish for those in authority whom we love and respect; parents, teachers, supervisors, foremen, pastors, etc. That they may prosper in their work of leadership, not because of position, but because they employ the time-honored traits of truth, meekness and righteousness.

Here are three virtues that leaders in the world often fail to exhibit, yet in Christendom, leadership devoid of these distinctives is sub-standard.

The world has come to expect a certain amount of arrogance, deceit and even debauchery from its leadership, but Christianity can abide none of that. Only when the righteous rule can the people rejoice.

Christianity employs the paradoxical. Jesus taught that those who demote themselves will find a promotion. Service equals greatness, finding a place in the end of the line may result in a promotion to the front. (Do you remember "Chinese cuts"?). Starting out in coach just might land you in first class.

This is the example that Jesus, the King of Kings, set for those who would be in leadership. ...who being in the form of God, He thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but took upon Him the form of a servant and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

Truly, One day we shall behold the spectacle of our King riding prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness.

May God allow you to ride prosperously in 2009 because, like Him, you employ truth and meekness and righteousness as markers of your leadership.

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