Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Spring Has Sprung

Finally, since March 20th, the first official day of Spring this year, Spring has arrived in full force. The flowers and trees are budding, the grass is growing, the birds are chirping, and kids are playing outside. Teachers and students alike are getting cabin fever and longing for that last day of school in May.

Those who suffer with SAD, Seasonal Affective Dysfunction, now breathe in  allergen laced pollens to their delight. We have until June 21st to enjoy the renewed freshness of nature as it awakens to fulfill the promise of vitality.

As well, believers, fresh and full of resurrection life and power, can enjoy the sense of God doing a new thing in their lives, families and churches.

Oh, that we might sing praises with the gusto of the birds. That we would blossom for God as do the tulips and lilies. That we would grow in faith as the verdant grass. And that we would shine warmth upon others with the power of the sun (Son).

Spring has sprung, let us cast off our wintry lethargy and terminal dormancy and rise to the vivacity of Christian joy and productivity.

We are called to life – let’s live it to the fullest as God gives us grace and strength.

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