Monday, January 21, 2019

The Resort of the Believer

…and the people resort unto him again; and, as he was wont, he taught them again. Mark 10:1

Who doesn’t long for a resort in times of stress and trouble? When I hear the word “resort,” I think of either a mountain cabin getaway, a sportsman’s retreat, a beachfront bungalow, or a full amenity lodge nearby popular attractions.

We feel as if a few days away from the grind of life will recharge our batteries and help us to get back in the game. Hopefully, when we make our pilgrimages to these shrines of convalescence, we can experience our much needed rest and relaxation and make some great memories along the way. Too bad, some of these resorts fail to deliver on what their ads promise. A cruise may end up on rough seas and have to be suspended. The fancy resort in the Smokies may turn out to be a one star facility. The hunting lodge may turn out to be infested with inhospitable creatures. And we return to the mundanity of life more drained then when we began our excursion. Life experienced, lessons learned. Been there, done that!

As these resorts hopefully refresh the body and mind, there exists a wonderful resort for the soul.

The Christ-dependent, soul-thirsty believer is wise to make Jesus their resort. Unfortunately, far too many resort to drink, sport, pleasure, work, music, literature, even religion for soul satisfaction. But only in Jesus is found life, peace, contentment, fulfillment, and true joy. When a person resorts to the gods of this world, they will always come away empty, more worn and torn than before. But Jesus has everything a soul would ever need or long for. 

“…As he was wont, he taught them again.” While we are experiencing our soul resort, we should expect to come away with valuable life lessons. They will always teach us the following:
*Our lack, His sufficiency.
*Our limitations, His sovereignty.
*Our need, His supply. 
*Our problems, His peace
*Our pain, His grace
*Our sorrow, His joy
*Our emotion, His love

Perhaps you’d sing this old song with me throughout your day as a reminder of these truths…

Only Jesus can satisfy your soul
Only He can change your heart and make you whole
He’ll give you peace you never knew
Real love and joy and heaven too
For only Jesus can satisfy your soul.

Now, if I could just hum this tune while lounging near the pool pictured above!!!

My friend Alvin Burrell wrote the following several years ago, very apt.

The Resort
(Psalms 71: 3) by
Alvin Burrell
O the place where I am dwelling, Is a land without pure rest -
I am tired of all the labor, Even though I have been blessed; And a spirit touched by worship, Keeps me looking to the Lord -
I am ever looking homeward, How I long for God’s resort.
God’s resort is so inviting, Contentment is the rule up there - Peace that passeth understanding, Where we look it’s everywhere; No one needs to be long-suffering, There’s no need for law or tort - What a blessing when we get to, The fair land of God’s resort.
We can taste of this contentment, Even in our mortal state - And be shielded from the evil, On this earth we all must face; When we lift our eyes to Heaven, Singing praises to the Lord - Pressing upward on our journey, To the land of God’s resort.

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