Thursday, July 30, 2020

What if the Rapture Occurred Today?

The question on many people’s minds, could it occur today? Absolutely! Paul expected it in his time. The saints of the ages hoped for it, (called the Blessed Hope of the believers). There is nothing in the Bible that indicates anything else prophetically needs to happen before the rapture. We already have witnessed the character of our age which the Bible predicted would predate the coming of the Lord.

Apostasy, wicked and cold hearts, persecution, exponential occurrences of earthquakes, wars, tsunamis, the rise of a one-world economy, government and religion, viruses and pandemics, violence and upheaval, good is called evil and evil is called good, the gospel published to all nations (ethnicities). Etc.

So, what would happen if the rapture Occurred today?

*A trumpet would sound and a voice would be heard by all believers “come up hither.” The rest would possibly hear thunder.

*The dead in Christ would rise first – their renewed bodies would reunited with their souls and spirits.

*Then the living Christians would ascend to the clouds to meet Jesus. This will all take place in a fraction of a second. Quicker than you can blink an eye. Each believer will vacate their cars, homes, planes, classrooms, board rooms, assembly lines, beds, and their clothes. They will immediately be transformed into glorified bodies which cannot feel pain, age, be subject to the normal laws of nature.

*From there, we would all make the quick journey to God’s heaven.

*We would then stand before the Bema Seat of Jesus to be rewarded for our Christian works. Gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble.
Crying out “Worthy is the Lamb!” we will cast our thrones at His feet.

*We would then prepare for the marriage supper of the Lamb attended by …… The church (bride of Christ), the Old Testament believers, guests (not part of the church), an innumerable company of angels (Heb 12)
Meanwhile, back on earth… the rapture will trigger…

*Major chaos, catastrophe, devastation and speculation

*A great lie (strong delusion)                 II Thess

*Those who previously refused to accept the love of the truth will be forever doomed and will be subject to loyalty oaths and worship of the man of sin, the Antichrist.

*However, possibly a billion people who were never presented with a clear-cut presentation of the gospel of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection, will hear the clear explanation of Jesus’ love by way of 144,000 Jewish evangelists, young men who were never married, newly converted, and are completely dedicated to carrying out the mission of evangelizing those who have never heard, as well as the two OT prophets sent to preach Christ at the newly rebuilt Temple site in Jerusalem.

*A peace treaty between Israel and her neighbors brokered by a charismatic man of sin.

*Triggering 7 years of tribulation: 28 unimaginable judgements that will make COVID and change culture (rioting and looting in the streets) look like child’s play. Some of these are:

The Definition: Rapture – the sudden and secret catching away from the earth of all believers, past and present to forever be with Jesus.

The Purpose:
1.     To save and protect believers from ultimate cataclysmic judgment. As He did with Noah.
2.     To Gather His children unto Himself for reward and celebration
3.     To pour out His wrath on the world that has opposed and rejected Him and persecuted and martyred His servants
4.     To regather His chosen race and unleash an great evangelistic campaign bring them, as a nation, unto Himself.
The Delineation: Rapture vs Second Coming (Glorious appearing) Nearly 7 years separate these 2 events. In between are the 28 judgments (Seals, Bowls (vials), Trumpets and Thunder), the rise and reign of Antichrist (The Peace Treaty, the Mark, beheadings, assassination and resurrection, abomination of desolations, etc), the Bema and Marriage Supper, The Two Witnesses at the Temple (their preaching, execution, celebration and assumption into heaven), Armageddon.

The Aftermath
1.     The Millennium (1000-year glorious reign of Christ, David, US! On earth)
2.     The disposition of lost souls and their king - Rev 20
3.     Eternity – service for the King throughout the universe.

BTW, If the rapture did happen today, and you are not saved,
1.     You will be left behind with no hope of salvation – You will be blinded and fooled by a lie of what happened to those sitting around you.
2.     Don’t take the Mark. Though you are damned for not believing the Gospel when you were prompted, don’t make it worse by inviting God’s wrath.
3.     Use this building to aid the evangelists in getting out the message you didn’t accept
4.     Look for a network of others which don’t take the mark (therefore cannot buy and sell) and help and depend on them for sustenance.

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