Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hope Deferred

Pro 13:12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.

When expectations are put on hold, we are hurt at our very core.

Here is a scene I have watched unfold a few times. A believer stands at the door of the church, impatiently waiting for their visitor to show up, alas, as the service begins, their countenance drops as they take their place in the pew. Worship for them is disturbed, their heart is broken. They had hoped in vain.

A little boy hopes for a toy, a worker expects a raise, a sickly woman desires good news from the doctor, a wife plans a romantic evening with her husband, an expecting couple long for a healthy baby. Sometimes we get all we hope for and more. Sometimes, the rug is pulled out from under us.

When our desire is met, it is a tree of life. When it doesn't materialize, our hearts ache.

But we have a wonderful heart-mender in our precious Lord. He knows what it is to be heart sick. So He assures us that we will never have to go it alone, no matter how heart broken we are. He is there to comfort, assure, encourage and guide us to victory.

The One Whose hopes for each of us are dashed a dozen times a day knows how to soothe, how to mend, how to make all things work together for good to those that love Him and are called according to His purpose and plan.

Is your heart sick today over quashed hopes and dreams? Turn to the One Who doeth all things well and let Him heal your broken heart.

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