Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The World’s Vain Philosophies

     Having been immersed in our culture, that is, our systems of the arts and humanities, education, media, entertainment, sports, places of employment, etc., we have all been indoctrinated to some extent with the world’s vain philosophies.

     Compare the time the world influences us in a given week with the time we are influenced by God’s Word through devotional reading, Sunday school, church and Bible studies, and we find that our spirits are not being nourished nearly enough.

     If we spend 30 minutes per day in studying our Bibles and in prayer, and another 4 hours per week in church settings, we would be feeding our souls a total of about 7 ½ hours in a week. That is actually pretty good. But, in watching the news, taking in a few TV shows, going to a movie, a sporting event, and reading the newspaper, about 30 hours in the week are given to secular input.  

     Do you see the disparity in our intake of information? It’s no wonder that worldly philosophy, like a weed, strangles out the good seeds of our faith.

     Cleary, most of our current culture has little to no Scriptural input. There is no exposure to the biblical world view if people are not in church and don’t open a Bible. Considering this, it is amazing to me that we actually have any moral fiber left in America.

     Consider the words of R.A. Torrey, spoken over a hundred years ago: "For eighteen centuries and more the opinions of scientists and philosophers have come and gone, today regarded as the final and absolute wisdom, tomorrow regarded as the sheerest folly. But the teachings of this Book have stood fast amid the wreck of centuries of man's thinking. The experience of eighteen centuries proves that the man who banks on the Bible is wise."

     Imagine what future generations will think of ambiguous and bizarre gender pronouns, men being pregnant, or a supreme court justice not being able to give the definition of “woman.”

     The hammers of unbelief lay broken in piles, but the anvil of God’s Word remains unchanged.