John 15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: 27 And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.
When the Comforter is Come…
1. He will show the truth - Jn 16:13
2. He will glorify Jesus - Jn 16:14
3. He will testify of Jesus - Jn 15:26, I Cor 12:3
4. He will comfort the afflicted and persecuted - Jn 14:18, Acts 9:31
5. He will bring all things to our remembrance - Jn 14:16
6. He will reprove the world of sin, of righteousness and of Judgment. Jn 16:8
7. He will show us things to come - Jn 16:13
8. He will teach us all things - Jn 14:26, I Cor 2:13, Heb 9:8, 10:15
9. He will endow us with the spiritual gifts for service - Rom 12 & I Cor 12, Heb 2:4
10. He will fill our mouths with the right words - Lk 12:12, Acts 2:4, 4:8, 31
11. He will empower us for witnessing - Acts 1:8, 20:23
12. He will imbue us with power for preaching - Lk 1:67
13. He will baptize believers into Christ - Lk 3:16, Roms 6
14. He will lead and direct us into the right paths - Lk 4:1
15. He will anoint us for ministry - Acts 10:38
16. He will thrust laborers into the vineyard for the work of the Lord - Acts 13:2, 4
17. He will give holy boldness to speak that which needs to be spoken - Acts 13:9
18. He will fill us so that we may have joy and thankfulness - Eph 5:18-20
19. He will keep us from harm - Acts 16:6, 21:11
20. He will set pastors in their places of service - Acts 20:28, II Tim 1:14
21. He will shed His love abroad in the hearts of believers - Rom 5:5 (as well as righteousness, peace and joy) Rom 14:17, 15:13
22. He will wield His Sword in the hand of the believer to do spiritual battle - Eph 6:17
23. He will produce His fruit in us - Gal 5:22, etc., Eph 5:9
24. He will work through our consciences to do what is right - Rom 9:1
25. He will sanctify His servants - Rom 15:16
26. He will constantly occupy His temple, the bodies of believers - I Cor 6:19
27. He will cause believers and Christ to have communion together - II Cor 13:14
28. He will wash, regenerate and renew those who come to Christ - Titus 3:5
29. He will seal the believer until the rapture - Eph 1:13, 4:30
The lost live without the Holy Spirit. Their only interaction with Him is that He convicts them of sin. Believers have more to do with the Holy Spirit directly than with either other part of the Godhead. Jesus called Him Comforter for good reason. We are blessed by His comfort day by day. Thank the Lord for His Holy Spirit.
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