Monday, August 23, 2021

Multiplied Millions Vanish

 Future News Headline:

New York, New York – Multiplied Millions of Unvaccinated Conspiracy Theorists Mysteriously Vanish.
Although authorities are baffled by this mass disappearance, the CDC, WHO and NIH theorize that a variant strain of the COVID virus called “Alpha-Omega” is responsible for the incident. They urge all who remain unvaccinated, for their own well-being and for the sake of the lives of those around them, to get the immunization shots immediately and subsequently bear the official authentication mark as proof. The mark will serve as a passport of sorts to allow the bearer to buy, sell and travel.
Noticeably, the missing includes an unusually high percentage of very young children under the ages of approximately 6 or 7. This further underscores the importance of 100% vaccination compliance.
High Admiral Michael K. Olufsen, speaking on behalf of the United Nations and the World Health Organization, made the following plea to the citizens of the earth, “Please, do not delay. With utmost haste, we strongly urge every man, woman and child to make your way to a compliance center near you and help your loved ones remain safe by accepting the harmless jab and the required passport mark of acquiescence. Your information will be entered into an international data base for your safety and for ease of access and commerce.”
A ten-nation assembly known as The European Alliance, basing its headquarters in Brussels, has given it’s blessing to these efforts.
Reeling from the passing of these hordes of extremists, as well as the innocent children, who appear to be the unexpected victims of their careless obstinance, the world is seeking strong, adequate leadership. Only heaven knows who that savior of our troubled planet might be.
(Please see II Thessalonians 2:11)

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