Tuesday, June 20, 2017

BOLO - Mr & Mrs Remmus Pmuls

(REQUIRED reading by ALL members)

     We have had some very unwelcome visitors sneak into our church for the past several weeks, and I understand they plan to be around for the next couple of months. Now mind you, I cannot stand this couple! I know, we should welcome all visitors with open arms, but these fuddy-duddies really get under my skin. When they show up, I get so discouraged. They really NEED the Lord!

     All gospel preaching churches hate to see them visit. They kill the spirit of the services and thwart the efforts of the church to be effective. They generally start doing their damage around Memorial Day, and usually don’t go away until after Labor Day.

     If you see this couple around, don’t give them the time of day! Shoo them away as soon as they start working on you and inviting you to their outings. They will KILL your church! In fact, they already have your pastor with one foot in the Loony Bin and the other in a counsellor’s office.

   Here’s how to spot the Pmuls. You have seen the picture, but they disguise themselves in so many ways. They will be ones inviting you to several other excursions just about every Lord’s Day. Sometimes they will encourage you to skip that one measly hour out of the week which is set aside for God, and just hang out with family, or at the Lake, or even stay in bed or in the easy chair. And once you give in to Remmus, you’re toast. Next thing you know, you’ll take entire vacations away from church and your Bible reading and prayers.

     Oh dear friend and church member, please watch out for these sinister servants of the evil one and forcefully turn down their invitations to join them in their “fun.”

BOLO means Be on the Lookout

Mr. & Mrs. Remmus Pmuls – just read in reverse!

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