Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The After-Effects of the Resurrection

Ever thought much about the days and weeks after a major event?

The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the most significant event in history. But there was no post-Easter letdown. Our official celebration of the occasion is over, but, what next? Do we take it easy until the next big day on the church calendar? You may have celebrated Easter with a SONrise service, church attendance, a day spent with family. Some used the occasion to don new clothing, hunt eggs, watch religious programming on tv, etc. Have you suffered a bit of a letdown?

Do we now just move on with other things? I contend that we use the Resurrection as a springboard for great things, as happened in the Gospels and the book of Acts.

In the Bible, the glorious Resurrection was followed by the metamorphosis of the Disciples, the exponential explosion of the church, the emboldening of believers and the spreading of the Gospel, the preponderance of miracles. It was called, the Acts of the Apostles, or more correctly, the Acts of the Holy Spirit.

We could well use the tremendous afterglow afforded by the Resurrection. Let’s use the victory of that great event to encourage and propel us to transformation, holy boldness, godly, victorious living, soul-winning, church growth and mission endeavor.

We serve a risen Saviour!

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