Mat 19:14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
I attended a monthly CEF prayer breakfast this morning. Among the attendees were Dr. Warren Weirsbe and his dear wife, Betty. For those of you who may not know this brother, he was pastor of the Moody Bible Church in Chicago, Calvary Baptist in Covington, KY and was the teacher at Back to the Bible here in Lincoln. For more info on this good brother, check out http://classicchristian.posterous.com/menofgod-warren-w-wiersbe-pt1
This morning, he told me that, next to Sunday school, CEF is the most efficient way to win children to Christ in the whole world. They have been involved with CEF for decades. I think he is on to something. One other ministry I can think of is also having a Major impact world-wide for children, MANNA Ministries.
So, I am going to give this plug to CEF in my blog today. Here in Nebraska, CEF supporters have been presented with a $50,000 matching funds challenge. For the next couple of months, all pledges to CEF will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $50,000.
These people are reaching out to children, the world’s greatest and most receptive mission field, through Good News Clubs in the schools and in the Neighborhood Bible Clubs. They are raising up an army of young people, trained to be missionaries in their own right, to win these kids.
CEF works in league with local churches to help build those churches through evangelism to children. For more info, check out: http://www.cefnebraska.org/
Let me know if you are interested in helping. Blessings!
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