Thursday, September 10, 2020

Redemption Draweth Nigh


The American west is on fire, the streets are filled with violence, bloodshed and murder, almost every face is masked due to a pandemic, the nation is irrevocably divided, rainbow flags fly in front of churches, a peace treaty between Israel and neighbors is about to be signed in the White House, record cold temperatures immediately follow record heat, 1000 innocent babies are offered daily to the idols of unnatural affection, God has been marginalized from public life, the Jews are returning to the land of promise, a star millions of times brighter than the sun has vanished from the heavens, the moon is red, the spirit of Antichrist is prevalent, the love of many has waxed cold, brothers have turned against brothers, the love of pleasure is rampant,  disobedience to parents is the norm, congregations are decimated, apostasy goes unchecked, the world's populace dance at the end of the strings of global elitists, the Feast of Trumpets starts in 8 days. Only the Father knows the day and the hour, but the coming of the Lord is nearer today than it was yesterday.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

When the Winds are Contrary

Mark 6:45-52 

*Know that Jesus is praying for you - 46

*Know that He sees you toiling - 48

*Watch for Him to come walking to you above the problems - 48

*Be of good cheer, don't be afraid - 50

*Make sure Jesus is in your boat - 51

*Never lose your amazement and wonderment - 51

*Recall that He has always done what was needed, in time, on time, and in a greater fashion than you could imagine – 52

Thursday, July 30, 2020

What if the Rapture Occurred Today?

The question on many people’s minds, could it occur today? Absolutely! Paul expected it in his time. The saints of the ages hoped for it, (called the Blessed Hope of the believers). There is nothing in the Bible that indicates anything else prophetically needs to happen before the rapture. We already have witnessed the character of our age which the Bible predicted would predate the coming of the Lord.

Apostasy, wicked and cold hearts, persecution, exponential occurrences of earthquakes, wars, tsunamis, the rise of a one-world economy, government and religion, viruses and pandemics, violence and upheaval, good is called evil and evil is called good, the gospel published to all nations (ethnicities). Etc.

So, what would happen if the rapture Occurred today?

*A trumpet would sound and a voice would be heard by all believers “come up hither.” The rest would possibly hear thunder.

*The dead in Christ would rise first – their renewed bodies would reunited with their souls and spirits.

*Then the living Christians would ascend to the clouds to meet Jesus. This will all take place in a fraction of a second. Quicker than you can blink an eye. Each believer will vacate their cars, homes, planes, classrooms, board rooms, assembly lines, beds, and their clothes. They will immediately be transformed into glorified bodies which cannot feel pain, age, be subject to the normal laws of nature.

*From there, we would all make the quick journey to God’s heaven.

*We would then stand before the Bema Seat of Jesus to be rewarded for our Christian works. Gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble.
Crying out “Worthy is the Lamb!” we will cast our thrones at His feet.

*We would then prepare for the marriage supper of the Lamb attended by …… The church (bride of Christ), the Old Testament believers, guests (not part of the church), an innumerable company of angels (Heb 12)
Meanwhile, back on earth… the rapture will trigger…

*Major chaos, catastrophe, devastation and speculation

*A great lie (strong delusion)                 II Thess

*Those who previously refused to accept the love of the truth will be forever doomed and will be subject to loyalty oaths and worship of the man of sin, the Antichrist.

*However, possibly a billion people who were never presented with a clear-cut presentation of the gospel of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection, will hear the clear explanation of Jesus’ love by way of 144,000 Jewish evangelists, young men who were never married, newly converted, and are completely dedicated to carrying out the mission of evangelizing those who have never heard, as well as the two OT prophets sent to preach Christ at the newly rebuilt Temple site in Jerusalem.

*A peace treaty between Israel and her neighbors brokered by a charismatic man of sin.

*Triggering 7 years of tribulation: 28 unimaginable judgements that will make COVID and change culture (rioting and looting in the streets) look like child’s play. Some of these are:

The Definition: Rapture – the sudden and secret catching away from the earth of all believers, past and present to forever be with Jesus.

The Purpose:
1.     To save and protect believers from ultimate cataclysmic judgment. As He did with Noah.
2.     To Gather His children unto Himself for reward and celebration
3.     To pour out His wrath on the world that has opposed and rejected Him and persecuted and martyred His servants
4.     To regather His chosen race and unleash an great evangelistic campaign bring them, as a nation, unto Himself.
The Delineation: Rapture vs Second Coming (Glorious appearing) Nearly 7 years separate these 2 events. In between are the 28 judgments (Seals, Bowls (vials), Trumpets and Thunder), the rise and reign of Antichrist (The Peace Treaty, the Mark, beheadings, assassination and resurrection, abomination of desolations, etc), the Bema and Marriage Supper, The Two Witnesses at the Temple (their preaching, execution, celebration and assumption into heaven), Armageddon.

The Aftermath
1.     The Millennium (1000-year glorious reign of Christ, David, US! On earth)
2.     The disposition of lost souls and their king - Rev 20
3.     Eternity – service for the King throughout the universe.

BTW, If the rapture did happen today, and you are not saved,
1.     You will be left behind with no hope of salvation – You will be blinded and fooled by a lie of what happened to those sitting around you.
2.     Don’t take the Mark. Though you are damned for not believing the Gospel when you were prompted, don’t make it worse by inviting God’s wrath.
3.     Use this building to aid the evangelists in getting out the message you didn’t accept
4.     Look for a network of others which don’t take the mark (therefore cannot buy and sell) and help and depend on them for sustenance.

Monday, July 27, 2020

5 Ways to Have a Better Church by Next Sunday

1. Pray for the services and the Pastor 
2. Participate: Come early, stay late, sing out, “Amen!”, be friendly, give generously
3. Lean into the message, respond accordingly 
4. Bring a visitor and take them to lunch afterward 
5. Volunteer for a church ministry   

You will be surprised how much your church can improve in such a short time. 
You hold the key to its improvement.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Great Isolation Practices:

*Consider that those in nursing homes, older folks and others perpetually living
in isolation know the struggles of loneliness, isolation & the inability to get out & about &
live like they once did. Reach out to them and brighten their day.
*Make the most of this opportunity to read the Word, meditate & pray.
*Practice kindness and “others” mindedness with those with whom you are sequestered.
*Bless the Missionaries!!! Email or write them. Pray for their needs and opportunities.
*Engage in home church, Sunday school, worship & Bible study.
*Watch positive, uplifting media.
*Read materials that will develop you as a person.
*Finish some of those projects you always wished you had time for.
*Consider this time as a reprieve ordered by the Lord & redeem the time.
*Learn that character is not only evidenced in isolation, but it is developed there as well.  

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Welcome to Dystopia

Welcome to Dystopia – Population 7,530,000,000

Romans 8:22  For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 

Imagine a world with no sports! NASCAR venues are empty, no opening day of Major league baseball, no soccer stadiums reverberating with the sing song chants of the patrons. The sports reports are void of content.

Imagine a world in which the stock markets are in a nose dive, where people are watching their life savings being flushed into oblivion.

Imagine a world where there are no church gatherings. Where assembling to praise God, pray and preach the word is forbidden. Where leaders are proclaiming that Easter is cancelled.

Imagine a world where weddings and funerals are conducted in private, where no more than 10 people can rejoice or grieve together.

Imagine a world where court rooms are empty, festivals are cancelled, surgeries are postponed, where nursing homes and hospitals receive no visitors.

Imagine a world where all schools and universities are closed, playgrounds don’t echo with the shrieks of children on the slides and swings. Where graduation ceremonies and celebrations are cancelled.

Imagine a world where fear has universally gripped the hearts of humankind. Where main streets are deserted, malls are empty, airports are deserted and people must keep a distance of 6’ from others. Where handshakes are no longer a common form of greeting.

Imagine a world where dining in a restaurant is forbidden, families are locked down together in their homes, where the trending vernacular is “social distancing,” “self-quarantine,” “asymptomatic,” “travel ban,”  “pandemic,” “CDC,” “WHO,” “virus,” “sanitizer,” “we don’t know,” “jobless claims,” “task force briefing,” “outbreak,” “epicenter,” “hot zone,” “face masks,” “testing,” “shortages,” “toilet paper,” “research,” “working from home,” “isolation,” “wash your hands” and “don’t touch your face!”

Imagine a world where there is massive unemployment, colossal uncertainty and complete confusion.
Imagine a world where Mayor Pete, Sen. Warren, Bernie, Joe, Beto, Tulsi, get zero mention in the media.

This is dystopia, a fallen, sin-sick world. The planet is groaning and travailing. And to think, this is only the shadow of things to come. It is a dry run for tribulation like the world has never seen.

This is a world in need of the Gospel, aka, the Good News. Jesus died for fallen humanity, was buried and rose again in triumph over sin, hell and the grave.

Jesus is the only hope. He has always been, is now and will always be the answer. He is exclusively the Way, the Truth and the Life. Trust Him while the invitation remains open. Paradise awaits those who believe. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Have you seen my man card?

Could someone help me? I’ve lost something awhile back and can’t seem to recover it.

I may have misplaced it while I set it down to wash the dishes. Or it may have slipped behind some furniture while I was vacuuming. It could have been dropped in the laundry room when I was throwing a load in.

I’m talking about my man card, have you seen it? I’d like mine back!

I’ve seen a couple of them on the floor of department store changing rooms where guys have discarded them while trying on skinny jeans.

I saw one discarded into the folds of a salon chair where a dude had his hair fashioned into a man bun for the first time.

None of those were mine, I’d look ridiculous in skinny pants. And, though I am nearing the weight of a Sumo wrestler, I’d never be able to rock a top knot.

But the day in Bass Pro I was pulled away from coveting a model 94 30/30 to go look at bicycle shorts and Birkenstocks, my card began to fade.

When I looked at our credit card statement and saw the purchase of two tickets to Hamilton on Broadway, I had to go to my wallet to see if my man card was in its special compartment.

As I looked in the grocery bag to see which flavor of Doritos made it home from the grocery, and found only kale and quinoa, I knew my card was in danger of revocation.

Toxic masculinity, head of the home and king of the castle, have given way to gender fluidity, getting in touch with one’s feminine side while accessing the right side of the brain. Harleys have been scooted out of the way by Tao Taos, and muscle cars by Subaru and Priuses.

The danger of touting the Donald is that I just might get hit upside the head by a man bag wielded by a supporter of one of the B’s (Bernie, Biden, (Eliza)Beth, Beto, Bloomberg, Buttigeig, Booker or de Blasio.)

Furthermore, I’ve found It’s best to bite my tongue rather than reference the name Melania. But the mention of Michelle will prompt abundant praise.

Alas, to have my card back. They are no longer being minted; you know?

We don’t know which bathrooms to use at Target. Muscled and mustachioed wonders are winning gold at the girl’s track events. And suits with shorts???

Well, I’m being told I need a pedicure, so I’d better don my bike shorts and pedal down to the salon for my pampering. Perhaps I should get a facial while I’m at it, if I can get an advance on my allowance from my wife, er, ah, significant other.  

The Virus is Changing (almost) Everything

9/11 changed the world! Security, surveillance and scrutiny are now omnipresent facts of life in our post 9/11 world. Freedom and terror have locked horns for an almost two decades battle. Things will never be the same after the fall of the Twin Towers.

And here we are again at yet another world changing juncture. Coronavirus will go down in history for its implications. We are facing new norms as much will likely change, things like:
     *How we wash our hands
     *Social distancing
     *The stock markets
     *Job security
     *Freedom to peaceably assemble
     *Freedom of religion 
(Please do not misunderstand the addition of these last two items. It is just an observation, not a commentary.)

We are mostly uncomfortable with change. All of our comfort zones have been greatly disturbed. Nerves are frazzled, schedules are interrupted, lives are on hold, much we count as dear is in jeopardy. 

Let's share some positive perspective to dispel the gloom perpetrated by our 24/7 news outlets.

Here are a few important things that have not, and will not change:

*The Immutability of God: He's the same yesterday, today and forever. "I am God, I change not."

*The Character and Attributes of God: He remains holy, sovereign, righteous, all powerful, all knowing, everywhere, transcendent. Most importantly, God is Love!

*The Offer of God does not Change: Though holy and righteous, He still extends grace, mercy and forgiveness through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus for us on the cross, thereby affording us peace, love, pardon, hope and purpose.

*The Promises of God to His Own are Unchanging:
     °Every need supplied,
     °All things working together for good,
     °He will never leave nor forsake us,
     °A home in heaven for the redeemed,
     °Eternal rewards for the faithful,
     °The availability of the Holy Spirit,
     °Power to witness,
     °The perpetuity of His church,  
     °Abounding, sufficient, wonderful, marvelous and timely grace.
     °The indwelling of the Holy Spirit

Someone said, the only thing that never changes is change. We go through seasons of change as individuals, families, communities, our nation and our world. But it is wonderful to know that we have a Rock, an Anchor to Whom we can always return to “touch base.”

PS – A word of caution, there is one other thing that does not change: The Vitriolic Hatred of the Enemy Remains Constant.
Revelation 12:12 says that the devil is come down to you in great wrath, know he hath but a short time.

I leave you with Peter’s admonition, Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.  I Peter 5:7-10

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Have you seen my man card?

Could someone help me? I’ve lost something awhile back and can’t seem to recover it.

I may have misplaced it while I set it down to wash the dishes. Or it may have slipped behind some furniture while I was vacuuming. It could have been dropped in the laundry room when I was throwing a load in.

I’m talking about my man card, have you seen it? I’d like mine back!

I’ve seen a couple of them on the floor of department store changing rooms where guys have discarded them while trying on skinny jeans.

I saw one discarded into the folds of a salon chair where a dude had his hair fashioned into a man bun for the first time.

None of those were mine, I’d look ridiculous in skinny pants. And, though I am nearing the weight of a Sumo wrestler, I’d never be able to rock a top knot.

But the day in Bass Pro I was pulled away from coveting a model 94 30/30 to go look at bicycle shorts and Birkenstocks, my card began to fade.

When I looked at our credit card statement and saw the purchase of two tickets to Hamilton on Broadway, I had to go to my wallet to see if my man card was in its special compartment.

As I looked in the grocery bag to see which flavor of Doritos made it home from the grocery, and found only kale and quinoa, I knew my card was in danger of revocation.

Toxic masculinity, head of the home and king of the castle, have given way to gender fluidity, getting in touch with one’s feminine side while accessing the right side of the brain. Harleys have been scooted out of the way by Tao Taos, and muscle cars by Subaru and Priuses.

I fear touting any accomplishment of the Donald lest I get hit upside the head by a man bag wielded by a supporter of one of the B’s (Bernie, Biden, (Eliza)Beth, Beto, Bloomberg, Buttigeig, Booker or de Blasio.)

Furthermore, I’ve found It’s best to bite my tongue rather than reference the name Melania. But the mention of Michelle will prompt abundant praise.

Alas, to have my card back. They are no longer being minted; you know?

We don’t know which bathrooms to use at Target. Muscled and mustachioed wonders are winning gold at the girl’s track events. And suits with shorts???

Well, I’m being told I need a pedicure, so I’d better don my bike shorts and pedal down to the salon for my pampering. Perhaps I should get a facial while I’m at it, if I can get an advance on my allowance from my wife, er, ah, significant other.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Things that will never happen:

  • Surprising God with something. 
  • Getting away with sin. 
  • Out-giving the Lord. 
  • Sinning so badly, you cannot be forgiven. 
  • Regretting winning someone to Christ. 
  • Being sorry you got saved.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Things that Will and Will Not Happen in 2020

Things that will happen in 2020:
1.      God will love you, His child, no matter what.
2.      God will meet every one of your needs through His storehouse of grace.
3.      God will give grace for every trial you encounter.
4.      God will empower you to do that which He has called you to do.
5.      God will shower mercy upon you, though you don’t deserve it.
6.      God will work all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
7.      God will be faithful to complete the work He has begun in you.

Things that won’t happen in 2020:
1.      God will not leave you, nor forsake you.
2.      God will not abdicate His throne.
3.      God will not share His glory with another.
4.      God will not forget your labor of love.
5.      God will not lie.
6.      God will not fail you.
7.      God will not slumber nor sleep.      GF