Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Reformation Day!

Wycliffe, Huss, Calving, Melanchthon
Knox, Luther, Cranmer, Latimer
Zwingli, Bucer, Tyndale.
We honor these and many others today.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Vengeance Belongs to the Lord

Gen 45:22 To all of them he gave each man changes of raiment; but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver, and five changes of raiment. 

Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver by his brethren ($200). In response, he earlier filled his brother's sacks with grain and returned their money. But now, to Benjamin, he gives 300 pieces of silver ($3000), 15 times as much as he was sold for. 12 brothers, Joseph's 2 sons and Jacob make 15.

Interesting how the Lord more than takes care of situations, how He more than makes things up to His own.

When you are reviled, revile not again, we are admonished.

Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.

Leave the getting even thing up to Him. don't take it upon yourself to extract a pound of flesh. Situations become a win/win in His hands. Nobody wins when you take it into your own hands.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Fallen Leaves

Fallen leaves remind us, as we rake them from our lawn
That life provides us seasons, as we grow & move along
Sometimes flowers and sunshine, others, gloom and rain
But in the end, God keeps us, He grows us through our pain

Friday, October 4, 2019

Say the Word "Corn"

We read of the dream of Pharaoh in Genesis 41, and the interpretation of the dream by Joseph which led to the salvation of the world and the building of Egypt through his God-given wisdom to dole out the corn during years of famine.

Please notice the word, Corn - Shibboleth (Heb). This in not Nebraska sweet corn (otherwise called manna :), rather, grain, as in, a grain of wheat, etc.

Where do we hear this word "shibboleth" elsewhere in the Bible?

Look toward the end of Judges 12, especially verse 6.

During the days of the Judges when God punished Israel for their idolatry, there happened to be this rift between the Ephraimites and Mannassites (stemming from both of Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh) and the men of Gilead.

The Ephraimites couldn't pronounce the word shibboleth. They had a problem with the sh blend. Think: Gringos trying to roll their R's like the Latinos.

The Gileadites used it as a password for those coming across the river Jordan. (Like the Grumpy old Troll - "If you want to pass over, solve my riddle").

If the Ephraimites couldn't say it, but instead said "Sibboleth," they were slain. 42,000 men died because they couldn't say corn. How tragic!

Yet, here is Joseph, progenitor of the Ephraimites and Manassites, in Gen 41, saving the world through corn (shibboleth). I wonder if he could pronounce the word???